BlackHat Asia 2019 作者: Hack Inn 时间: July 14, 2019 分类: 安全大会资料 访问: 2,023 次  #### 1、[CQTools New Ultimate Hacking Toolkit WP]( #### 2、[Intel Visa Through the Rabbit Hole]( #### 3、[Keep Everyone In Sync Effective Approaches Borrowed From Open Source Communities]( #### 4、[Efficient Approach to Fuzzing Interpreter WP]( #### 5、[Ghosts in a Nutshell WP]( #### 6、[Return of the Insecure Brazilian Voting Machine]( #### 7、[Preloading Insecurity In Your Electron WP]( #### 8、[Attacking Browser Sandbox]( #### 9、[MS Office in Wonderland]( #### 10、[How to Survive the Hardware Assisted Control Flow Integrity Enforcement]( #### 11、[Industrial Remote Controller WP]( #### 12、[Finally I Can Sleep Tonight Catching Sleep Mode Vulnerabilities of the TPM with the Napper]( #### 13、[Efficient Approach to Fuzzing Interpreters]( #### 14、[Make Redirection Evil Again WP]( #### 15、[Make Redirection Evil Again]( #### 16、[The Cost of Learning From the Best How Prior Knowledge Weakens the Security of Deep Neural Networks]( #### 17、[DevSecOps What,Why and How](,Why%20and%20How.pdf) #### 18、[Preloading Insecurity In Your Electron]( #### 19、[CQTools New Ultimate Hacking Toolkit]( #### 20、[Automated REST API Endpoint]( #### 21、[Industrial Remote Controller]( #### 22、[Dive into VxWorks Based IoT Device Debug the Undebugable Device]( #### 23、[Winter is Coming Back Rowhammer]( #### 24、[Using the JIT Vulnerability to Pwning Microsoft Edge]( #### 25、[Oh No KPTI Defeated Unauthorized Data Leakage is Still Possible]( #### 26、[NetSpectre A Truly Remote Spectre Variant]( #### 27、[Ghosts in a Nutshell]( #### 28、[Zombie Poodle Goldendoodle and How TLSv13 Can Save Us All]( > 会议传送门: 若有任何问题请与我们联系:`admin &` 标签: none