Hack Inn 发布的文章

BlueHat IL 2019



1、Hardening Secure Boot on Embedded Devices for Hostile Environments

2、Trends, Challenges, and Strategic Shifts in the Software Vulnerability Mitigation Landscape

3、PE-sieve:An Open-Source Process Scanner for Hunting and Unpacking Malware

4、Bridging Emulation and the Real World with the Nintendo Game Boy

5、Make Static Instrumentation Great Again:High Performance Fuzzing for Windows System

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Offensive Con 2019 (Germany)

Offensive Con是一个非常具有技术性的国际安全会议,只关注具有攻击性的安全研究,目标是将黑客社区聚集在一起,举行高质量和深入的技术讲座。其会议重点为具有攻击性的安全研究,如漏洞发现,高级开发技术和逆向工程。

1、Coverage-Guided USB Fuzzing with Syzkaller

2、OSX Privileged Helper Tool

3、IPC You Outside the Sandbox:One bug to Rule the Chrome Broker

4、macOS:How to Gain Root with CVE-2018-4193 in < 10s

5、FuzzIL:Guided Fuzzing for JavaScript Engines

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