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POC 2018 (Korea)

POC是韩国最大的安全技术峰会,今年已经是第十二届,2006年一群韩国黑客与安全研究专家决定以“交流技术、分享知识”为目的举办会议,并将其命名为POC(Power of Community,社区力量)。

1、Denis Kolegov, Oleg Broslavsky, "WebGoat.SDWAN.Net in Depth"

2、Gmliu, "Windows Kernel Fuzzing"

3、Nikita Tarakanov, "Automating Windows Kernel Pool Overflow/Corruption Exploits Development"

4、Jin Liu & Chong Xu, "Pwning Microsoft Edge Browser: From Memory Safety Vulnerability to Remote Code Execution"

5、Jiafeng Li, Zuotong Feng, "How to Exploit Blockchain Public Chain and Smart Contract Vulnerability"

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